We won’t stop until you have everything you need.

How to save money as a self-insured business

physical & Occupational Therapy for personal injuries and the whole family.

We know the employee’s life doesn’t stop when they punch out for the day.

That’s why we offer physical therapy and occupational therapy services for personal injuries. Taking care of personal injuries early reduces the likelihood that a personal injury becomes a work-related injury. We also offer services for spouses and dependents. That way the whole family unit is taken care of!

Adding these services is a huge money saver, especially if you are a self-insured business.

Testing, Consulting and Training Services:

Testing: post-offer testing, drug testing, hearing testing, vision testing, and pulmonary function testing.

Consulting: program development and compliance, testing program standards and compliance, complex worker’s compensation and Americans with Disabilities Act cases, office and industrial ergonomics, ergonomics design and implementation for office and industry.

Training: lifting mechanics, body mechanics, floor walks, and real-time ergonomics coaching.

CPR & First Aid Training:

Advanced PT empowers employees with the confidence to act in the event of an emergency at work, at home, or in the community.

Our Heartsaver classes make it easy for your team to get the training they need:

-Onsite & online instruction options for CPR/AED/First Aid

-Meets OSHA & other regulatory licensing requirements

-Designed for anyone with little or no medical training

-Certified instructors

Lunch and Learn/Safety Meeting Presentations:

Hot topics in 2024:

Unleashing Resilience: Exploring Physical Coping Strategies for Trauma Recovery

Enhance Officer and Industrial Worker Safety with Proactive Measures

Let's Talk about Mental Health in Law Enforcement and Industrial Workers

Unmasking the Secrets of Sleep Health in Law Enforcement and Industrial Workers

The Role of Nutrition in Law Enforcement and Industrial Workers:

*Additional and specialty topics by request.

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 Interested in Learning More?

We know that each company or agency’s needs are unique and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Contact our Director of Industrial & Tactical Medicine & Wellness, Traci Tauferner, LAT, ATC, CSCS, to learn more.

Industrial Inquiries: industry@advancedptsm.com

Tactical Inquiries: tactical@advancedptsm.com

920-979-5597 or 920-991-2561