Recovery Inn


The Recovery Inn Experience:  Where top-notch therapy services meet 5-star customer service and accommodations

            That nagging pain in your left knee just won't go away!  Conservative measures including physical therapy and injections have failed, and your orthopedic surgeon is recommending a total knee replacement.  Now what?  Weather you have your surgery at the Orthopedic and Sports Institute of the Fox Valley or at the hospital, Recovery Inn is a fantastic place to recover and meet all of your acute therapy needs. 

Recovery Inn is a unique skilled nursing facility that provides transitional care for patients after scheduled total joint replacement, or for patients who need rehabilitation after an unexpected injury or illness.  Therapy services at Recovery Inn are provided by Advanced Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine

 Therapy at Recovery Inn is provided by a team of highly skilled Occupational and Physical Therapists who specialize in orthopedic care after total joint replacement.  You can expect to meet with therapy staff as soon as a few hours after your surgery for a warm welcome, evaluation, and maybe even a short walk! 

 Occupational therapy staff will provide you with and teach you to use adaptive equipment that will help you to complete activities of daily living, including self-care tasks like dressing, toileting, and showering.  They will educate you about pain and edema management.  Before you go home, they will help you with a shower, discussing your actual home environment and making recommendations for simple home modifications.

 Physical Therapy staff will teach you how to use a walker, cane, or crutches to get you safely back on your feet again.  They will review lower body exercises to help you regain strength and endurance.  PT staff will work with you to master stairs and improve balance to reduce your risk for falls. 

  The therapy team at Recovery Inn looks forward to helping you on your journey towards better mobility...with less pain!  We know that total joint replacement surgery or recovery after an injury can be scary.  But our therapists are here to answer all of your questions and put your mind at ease. 

Happy healing!

Allie :)

Allison M. Salm, OTR, CLT

Director of Therapy Services—Recovery Inn

Advanced Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine